

Awaken your inner power

You’ll learn and you’ll burn, suffer and sweat but through gritted teeth and pumping beats our instructors will show you how to find new levels of mental and physical strength that you never before knew existed within you

First timers

Arrive in good time and sign in at the front desk. If you want a shake waiting for you after your class, let us know!


If you haven’t come changed, we have beautifully furnished changing rooms so you can change on site


5 minutes before the class starts your trainer for the session will call you in and walk you through what to expect. Your trainer will also take you through how to use the rower if you are new to the machine

The class

All classes start with a warm up, getting you ready for the workout and talking you through the exercises for the session


You will alternate between explosive and empowering rower and floor intervals!


Classes end with a warm down, and stretch

After the class

Pick up your shake, you’ve earned it


Head to the changing rooms to make use of the showers should you wish and hair and beauty products, so you are ready to take on the next part of your day